Fitness & Health

The Hakarena upsets All Blacks

New Zealands’s All Blacks rugby team have got themselves into a bit of a paddy after Matt Dawson, England’s World Cup-winning scrum-half, released a video they claim ridicules the haka.

A New Zealand camp insider disclosed that the players were deeply unimpressed with Dawson’s mocking display, believing that it denigrated the profound cultural significance of the Maori war dance to New Zealanders.

They had hoped, according to the source, that their English hosts would show proper respect.

But Matt’s self-styled ‘hakarena’, reducing the haka to a series of disco moves and setting it to the tune of Los del Rio’s ‘La Macarena’, no doubt intended as a bit of light- hearted fun, has clearly ruffled a few kiwi feathers.

The 42 year-old, now a television personality was swiftly condemned by a leading Maori politician for “shameful” behaviour.

Whatever next – The All Blacks doing a Morris Dance in retaliation?


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