Month: December 2008

‘Anti-gravity yoga’ to take off in British gyms?

A new craze could sweep British gyms over the coming months – upside-down yoga. As unlikely as it sounds, converts of ‘AntiGravity Yoga’ say the technique enables them to reach positions other exercises can’t reach, leading to a better all-round work-out. Participants use a hammock suspended from the ceiling to carry out yoga, pilates and dance moves while defying gravity. It is becoming more and more popular in America and fitness experts believe it is only a matter of time before it ‘takes off’ here. The technique was invented by gymnast and Broadway dancer Christopher Harrison, who also came up with an acrobatic fitness regime that he called ‘Cheernastics’, based on American cheerleading. Source: Daily Telegraph Read full article

Motivating Physical Activity

Motivating People to Be Physically Active, Second Edition, translates research, theories and concepts of behavioural science into a useful handbook for health professionals involved in the planning, development, implementation, or evaluation of physical activity promotion programmes.